When you give Nature a break, it will find a way.
Regenerate: to regrow, be renewed or restored, especially after being damaged or lost.
November 2019, we moved to our Schoemanskloof family farm knowing we want to somehow help the natural environment heal. The direct and indirect impact of humans on nature can be either beneficial, or destructive. What we saw in front of us was a landscape in desperate need of help.
Now, to keep it short, fast forward to November 2021...
The Celebration
In celebration of the regenerative power of Nature during this 24 month period, we made a series of before and after images. It gives us so much joy to see the progress and it inspires us to continue on this path.
We implemented various strategies to give Nature the break it so desperately needed: alien clearing 12 hectares, removing subsoil drainage from wetlands, excluding domestic animals and active reintroduction of indigenous plants, slowing the flow of water to allow it time to sink into the soil and saturate the landscape.
Enough said. Let the pictures tell the story: